Latest articles

  1. Kromer R.-A., Abellán A., Hutchinson D.-J., Lato M., Chanut M.-A., Dubois L. and Jaboyedoff M. 2017. Automated terrestrial laser scanning with near-real-time change detection–monitoring of the Séchilienne landslide. Earth Surface Dynamics, 5(2):293–310. PDF, DOI

  2. Schwartz S., Zerathe S., Jongmans D., Baillet L., Carcaillet J., Audin L., Dumont T., Bourlès D., Braucher R. and Lebrouc V. 2017. Cosmic ray exposure dating on the large landslide of Séchilienne (Western Alps): A synthesis to constrain the slope evolution. Geomorphology, 278:329–344. PDF, DOI

  3. Vallet A., Varron D., Bertrand C., Fabbri O. and Mudry J. 2016. A multi-dimensional statistical rainfall threshold for deep landslides based on groundwater recharge and support vector machines. Natural Hazards, 84(2):821–849. PDF, DOI


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