• 23-25 October 2017: The detailed program of JAG 2017 - Journées Aléas Gravitaires - which will take place in Besançon from 23 to 25 October 2017 is available here.
  • 10-12 October 2017: The third scientific and technical RESIF meeting will take place on 10-12 October 2017 at Saint-Jean-de-Monts. SNO-OMIV will be present with several presentations (orals, posters). More information here.
  • 16 May 2017: Scientific information about the monitoring ongoing at the Aiguilles landslide by OMIV team is referenced on THE LANDSLIDE BLOG.
  • 10 May 2017: OMIV was contacted several days ago to implement a geodetic and seismological network for operational monitoring of the Pas de l'Ours landslide at Aiguilles. The landslide is currently undergoing a major acceleration phase with displacements from several centimeters to decimeters per day depending on the area. An agreement between state agencies and OMIV (CNRS) is ongoing.
    Aiguilles1 Aiguilles2

    The following photos show different measurement campaingns carried out by the first group that intervened on the ground :

    Aiguilles3 Aiguilles5 Aiguilles4    
    Aiguilles6 Aiguilles7      

  • 3 April 2017: The 4th Slope Tectonics conference will take place in Kyoto (14-18 Oct. 2017). The registration is now open in the following website. Also, the first circular is available here
  • 10 March 2017: OMIV annual meeting took place at ISTerre / Grenoble, France.
Meeting OMIV
OMIV meeting

  • 17 February 2017: In Sinard (Northern Trièves, France), the Harmalière landslide which was reactivated 27 June 2016, continues to evolve strongly. More details are available here.


The seismic sensor a few days before the breaking of the scale in November 2016. © Grégory Bièvre



Landslide of 29/01/2017. The geophysical material is in the red circle. The new escarpment height is from 10 to 15 m. © Mickael Langlais

  • 2 February 2017: Video presenting rockfall hazard at the Saint-Eynard cliff above Grenoble. More details are available here.
  • 18 November 2016: Participation of OMIV (J.-R. Grasso, J.-P. Malet, C. Bertrand) at the INSU meeting on the future of long-term earth observation of seismic, volcanic and gravitational risk in the context of surveillance and risk prevention. A white paper on the topic is available here.  
  • 29 October 2016: Multi-method monitoring of the Saint-Eynard Chartreuse Cliff .A multi-method monitoring of erosion and quantification of rockfall actiivity with three differrnt terrestrial laser scanners and multi-view stereo-photogrammetry (terrestrial and airborne) has been realized. The benchmark is a collaboration among several institutes (OSUR/ISTerre, EOST/IPGS, ISTE/Univ. Lausanne, Edytem/Univ. Chambéry) and private engineering/geotechnicla companies (SAGE, IRSM, Sintegra). 
bandeau fixe

Terrestrial Laser Scanning og the Saint-Eynard cliff with three equipements (Optech MR, Optech LR, and RIEGL VZ-2000).


    • 22 September 2016: Request of INSU funding for SNO-OMIV for 2017. The document includes the OMIV status and prospects.
    • 20 July 2016: First experiment of deployment of a dense array of seismometers on a clayey landslide. A dense network of ZLand nodes of Tesla Corp has been deployed at the Super-Sauze landslide. The experiment consisted of the installation of 150 seismometers at 50 location sites for a period of nearly 2 months, and the setup of a Ground-Based InSAR device (IBIS-FM) for the monitoring of the surface deformation. The objectives of the experiment is to document the deformaiton of the landslide by combining surface and in depth information.   

esults of GB-InSAR monitoring at Super-Sauze started in June 2016 and on-going. Right: Field setup; Left: Surface displacement map and time series of selected positions on the landslide (work carried out in the framework of the PhD Thesis of F. Provost at EOST/IPGS).


    • 1 March 2016: The iRALL School will take place in October 2016 in Chengdu, China. iRALL School is an international school on “Investigation, analysis and management of large landslides”, open to 20 Ph.D students and 10 young doctors. More details here.