OMIV is a federation of several Earth Sciences Departments in France.
EOST-IPGS is coordinating the national observatory, is responsible of the Super-Sauze and La Valette landslides. It coordinates the acquisition and the analysis of the displacement/deformation observations.
OSUG-ISTerre is responsible of the Séchilienne and Mas d’Avignonet landslides and of the St-Eynard rockfall affected cliff. It coordinates the acquisition and analysis of the seismological observations, and conributes to the analysis of times series of point cloud datasets for defining evolution of the slope surfaces.
OCA-GeoSciences Azur is responsible of the La Clapière and Vence landslides. It coordinates the acquisition and analysis of the meteorological observations.
THETA-Chrono Environnement coordinates the acquisition and analyses of the hydro-geochemical data. It analyzes the water quality at La Clapière and Séchilienne landslides.
OREME-GM is responsible of the Pégairolles landslide. It coordinates the acquisition and analysis of the hydro-geophysical data.
IUEM-LGO is responsible of the Porsmillin rockfall affected cliff. It contributes to the analysis of times series of point cloud datasets.
LETG/Caen is responsible of the Villerville landslide and the Cap d'Ailly rockfall affected cliff.
EMMAH analyses the water quality at the Super-Sauze landslide.
CEREMA (Sourdun, Bron, Nice) contributes to the knowledge at the Séchilienne and La Clapière landslide and share expertises on point cloud datasets analyses and numerical geotechnical modelling.
ONF-RTM (Departments 38, 04, 05 and 06) contributes to the knowledge at the La Valette landslide and share expertise on risk assessment procedures.
Associate partners
INERIS: Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques
InfraSurvey is developping and maintaining low-cost GNSS systems at some OMIV landslides
IRIS Instruments is maintaining resistivimeters at some OMIV landslides and is using the Séchilienne landslide to develop the Full Waver system
SAGE: Société Alpine de Géotechnique
Funding institutions
CNRS – Institute of Earth Sciences / INSU
Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Avignon
Université de Bretagne-Occidentale, Brest
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Université Caen-Normandie, Caen