- 17-18 September 2013: The 'Journées Aléa Gravitaire' were organized in Grenoble / France. List of OMIV-related talks and posters,JAG webpage).
26 June 2013: 2-page article on the Sechilienne landslide in the local newspaper of Isère.
24 June 2013: La Clapière local events, displacement and rainfall for January-June 2013 at the time of an increase in displacement and seimic event rates. Local seismic event figures (rockfalls and local slide-quakes) are produced based on apreliminary catalog (G. Janex, SNO-INSU OMIV).
14 June 2013: Installation of a microphone near the Séchilienne most active zone. The objective of this temporary experiment is to find out whether this additional measurement may improve the classification of local events (e.g. discrimination between rockfalls and quakes).
14 June 2013: All seismological stations managed by ISTerre (Séchilienne & Avignonet landslides) now have telecommunication that allows full seismological data transmission.
26 April 2013: OMIV meeting by videoconference. Topics covered and update on the work being done on seismological data.
22 March 2013: Large landslide runout recorded at teleseismic distance, by Göran Ekström and Colin P. Stark. Summary. DOI: 10.1126/science.1232887, 1416 (2013); 339
7 March 2013: Publication of a paper on soft-rock landslides (including Super-Sauze) in the Geophysical Journal International, by Alice Tonnellier, Agnes Helmstetter, Jean-Philippe Malet, Jean Schmittbuhl, Alessandro Corsini, and Manfred Joswig: Seismic monitoring of soft-rock landslides: the Super-Sauze and Valoria case studies.
14 February 2013: Hydrology data completed and updated for the Avignonet landslide.
30 January 2013: Daily helicorder images and real-time detection of events available for the Séchilienne landslide!
20 December 2012: Presentation by Catherine Bertrand (Chrono-Environnement - Besançon) entitled "Hydrogeochemistry, Flow and Slope Instability", at the 2nd THETA Science Days / Dijon, France.
28 November 2012: Article on the Sechilienne landslide in the local newspaper.
26 November 2012: Presentation at INSU (Institut national des Sciences de l'Univers) of the OMIV status and prospects.
12 November 2012: OMIV meeting by videoconference, to discuss mainly 3 points: equipment status and scope for each site, personnel status and recruitement priorities for partners, and OMIV visibility.
October 2012: Seismological data validation process described here, including current correlation QC plots for antennas; example QC plot showing the improvement obtained after a field intervention on one of the antennas here.
October 2012: Migration of all OMIV seismological data and processing routines to a new OMIV server and to the RESIF system.
24 September 2012: Sechilienne endogeneous events, rainfall and temperature for 2012.
10-11 September 2012: ISTerre 'Mecanique des failles' (Fault mechanics) research team gathered in Allevard, France.
6 September 2012: Seismological data timelines now available in the pages under Data / Site !!
31 August 2012: OMIV meeting by videoconference, to discuss recruitments and the 2013 budget requests
July 2012: Installation of 2 new seismological stations on the Sechilienne site, each consisting of a 3-component accelerometer and a 3-component velocimeter. Collaboration between OMIV and RAP (Réseau Accélérometrique Permanent).
4 July 2012: OMIV meeting by videoconference. Presentations: seismo data availability and scope of work for the 4 OMIV sites here, summary of the OMIV observatory status, organization, and scope here.
May 2012: Local rockfall triggered a mudflow on the Super-Sauze landslide (A GPS station and 2 seismometer sensors were lost).
26 February 2012: The Barcelonnette earthquake occurred on 26.02.2012 at 23:38, with a magnitude of 4.4.