- 19-20 November 2015: OMIV meeting at ISTerre / Grenoble, France.
12-14 October 2015: Presentation of a poster describing the management and distribution of OMIV seismological, displacement and hydro-weather/geochemistry datasets at the RESIF Meeting / La Grande Motte, France.
24 September 2015: INSU funding request for SNO-OMIV 2016 (Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers). Includes the OMIV status and prospects.
03-04 September 2015: The 'Journées Aléa Gravitaire' were organized in Caen, France. JAG webpage.
10 April 2015: Landslide forces the authorities to close the Chambon tunnel and the road RD1091, which connects Grenoble (Isère, France) to Briançon (Hautes-Alpes). With alternative routes being a major detour (3 hours instead of 30 minutes from Bourg-d'Oisans to La Grave), local businesses are heavily impacted. Status on July 22nd, 2015: The road is still closed. The landslide has not collapsed despite several acceleration phases.
9 March 2015: OMIV now has a Digital Object Identifier for seismological data!! To be quoted when using OMIV seismological data in a publication.
28 February 2015: Rockfall cuts off 2 major french ski resorts and causes severe traffic problems on a busy transfer day. Same information in french.
16 February 2015: Video of the last 20 months of activity of the Val Paghera soft rock landslide in Switzerland.
February 2015: February OMIV news
December 2014: Seismic site effect on the Séchilienne landslide (deliverable from the SLAMS project, in french) (SLAMS = Séchilienne Land movement: Multidisciplinary Studies from Hazard assessment to associated risk and consequences).
November 2014: INSU funding request for SNO-OMIV 2015 (Institut national des Sciences de l'Univers). Includes the OMIV status and prospects.
10 November 2014: SNO-OMIV presentation to Prospective INSU Meeting / Cabourg, France.
6 October 2014: One of the largest known rockslides since the settlement of Iceland occurred in Askja, Iceland, on July 21st 2014. See article by the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
1 September 2014: A study published in 2012 shows that death toll from landslides is vastly underestimated: between 2004 and 2010, landslides worldwide killed over 32000 people. Summary here, full paper here.
2 May 2014: A massive mudslide in north-eastern Afghanistan kills hundreds of people. A few details in english (UN news centre) and french (France 24).
3 April 2014: A group of 30 students and 3 professors from the Nancy "Ecole des Mines" (Geoengineering section) visited ISTerre to discuss landslide monitoring and research at ISTerre. See the day's programme here.
23 March 2014: 33 dead, 12 people still unaccounted for in a landslide in the U.S. (Washington State, near Seattle). Local paper report, AGU report, French newspaper "Libération" report (in French)
12-13 February 2014: OMIV meeting at Chrono-Environnement / Besançon, France.
11 February 2014: Near real-time creation and distribution of the endogeneous event catalog now operational for the La Clapière rockslide.