The Wegener General Assembly will take place in Grenoble, France, 10-13th September, 2018. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 June 2018. Early bird registration closes on July 11th, 2018.

You will find links to submission and registration pages, as well as details of the proposed sessions, relevant dates, and conference events on the conference website

Title: Forecast of landslide intensity from remote sensing techniques and numerical modelling

A Post-doc fellowship is available financed by the Initiative of Excellence / University of Strasbourg in order to implement a prototype tool to forecast landslide intensity from the assimilation of remote sensing observations and numerical modelling. The objective is to analyse the statistics of rainfall-controlled landslides (number, size, deformation pattern) for specific regions and triggering events and to develop a hydrological – mechanical model to estimate landslide properties from meteorological forecasts. The post-doc position will require strong expertise in remote sensing techniques (optical, radar), advanced statistics, and numerical modelling.

Please note that the official application deadline is 2018, June 15, so interested applicants should establish contact as soon as possible.

Download the job profile

The third scientific and technical RESIF meeting will take place on 10-12 October 2017 at Saint-Jean-de-Monts. SNO-OMIV will be present with several presentations (orals, posters).

More information here.

The detailed program of JAG 2017 - Journées Aléas Gravitaires - which will take place in Besançon from 23 to 25 October 2017 is available here.

10 Mai 2017: OMIV was contacted several days ago to implement a geodetic and seismological network for operational monitoring of the Pas de l'Ours landslide at Aiguilles. The landslide is currently undergoing a major acceleration phase with displacements from several centimeters to decimeters per day depending on the area. An agreement between state agencies and OMIV (CNRS) is ongoing.

Aiguilles1 Aiguilles2

The following photos show different measurement campaingns carried out by the first group that intervened on the ground :

Aiguilles3 Aiguilles5  
Aiguilles6 Aiguilles7  
